
Our Partnerships

We partner with developing nonprofits and organizations to help strengthen their capacity for providing aid to their communities.

Our organization looks for new and developing nonprofits that are trying to address the needs and challenges of women and children in their communities. Our combined efforts will work to develop the reach and ability of nonprofit initiatives that provide development opportunities and improve the lives of program beneficiaries. 

Ongoing projects with our



The Mothers of Good Hope Uganda

Mbale, Uganda

Travelling to Mbale, Uganda to partner with the Mothers of Good Hope, an organization created to address the needs of struggling mothers in several districts of eastern Uganda in order to create opportunities for development and self sufficiency. Through the creation of several initiatives including the agriculture program, newly constructed hospital and health education initiative, and vocational center, the Mothers of Good Hope has been able to significantly increase their reach and impact to bring more and more women and children aid and opportunities.

Pallisa Children's Concern Project

Pallisa, Uganda

The Pallisa Children’s Concern Project is a local Ugandan volunteer group that started 25 years ago with the aim of advocating for disadvantaged children in Uganda.  The Organization is dedicated to helping disadvantaged children within communities in Budaka and Palissa districts and beyond, in Uganda.

PCCP was built on the desire to intervene in the early lives of underprivileged children, orphans and street kids.  They aim to provide the children with quality education allowing for full mental development to give them every opportunity for a future with promising professions.  It is their goal that every Ugandan child has a chance of positively contributing to their community. At the start, they decided to provide for the needs of rescued and escaping child soldiers (especially during the LRA War) who were victimized.

The majority of support was aimed at the psychosocial support and care for orphans and rehabilitation of street children. As the needs of the younger children began to be more prevalent, PCCP shifted to providing primary education and established a school in one of the poorest areas in Uganda, The Budaka district.  PCCP has grown to providing support to over 250 children each year

Through a participatory approach involving local and community leaders they identify the most desperate children and provide them with the necessary support from within the school, orphanage facilities and in neighboring local communities where the focus is on providing academic education at the primary level also providing care, shelter and food for the orphaned children.

Supporting and training vulnerable children by:

  • Providing primary education 
  • Psycho-social development beyond vulnerability
  • Community counseling
  • Nurturing support
  • Mentorship
  • Health care support for their families
  • Seeking out family support and connections through linkages to sponsors and supporters
  • Programs to build generous and sustainable futures in character and livelihood
  • Capacity building workshops on improved small scale production in agriculture, horticulture and livestock rearing to increase existing income and improve on nutrition of children and other family members.
  • Training, mentoring and support programs dealing with emotional problems caused by AIDS, abuse, and poverty.
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